Univ. mag. dr. med. dent. Ivan Dežulović

spec. parodonthologist

Education in Dentistry:
2006 – Faculty of Dentistry, University of Zagreb, graduated as Doctor of Dental Medicine
Postgraduate studies and specialisation:
2017 Faculty of Dentistry, University of Zagreb, graduated as Honours Bachelor's Degree from Postgraduate Doctoral Study.
2016 Faculty of Dentistry, University of Zagreb, Department of Periodontology – following the completion of Specialization in Periodontology, graduated as Specialist Periodontist.
As part of her specialization, she attends a professional apprenticeship at the Department of Periodontology in Milan, mentored by prof. Rasperini.

Main areas of professional interests:
Pre-prosthetic periodontal preparation of patients, multidisciplinary treatment of patients with severe forms of periodontitis, coverage of exposed tooth roots, and controlled tissue and bone regeneration.

Professional development and awards:
2018 University of Torino, San Giovanni Battista Molinette Hospital, Via Nizza 230, Torino (Italy). www.unito.it
Use of magnifying glasses for periodontal micro-surgical operations.
Assisting in regenerative, mucogingival, resective and implantological surgeries.
Periodontal therapy planning, in accordance with other specialist therapies (prosthetics, orthodontics, conservative dentistry, endodontics).
Photography application, during operations and in following up with the cases.
2018 Osteology in Torino
2017 Department of Periodontology in Torino
Professional apprenticeship mentored by prof. Aimetti.
2017 ESCD (European Society od Cosmetic Dentistry) Heart of Esthetics in Zagreb
2017 Croatian Periodontology Days in Šibenik
2016 University of Milan, Ca Granda Hospital, Via Commenda 12, Milan (Italy). www.unimi.it
Assisting in periodontal and implantological surgeries.
Diagnosing patients coming in for their first specialist examination.
Post-surgery patient re-evaluation (regenerative, mucogingival and implantological).
Analysis of complex cases.
Planning of computer-guided implantation.
2016 “Una giornata con” - a day with Dr. Marco Ronda in Padova
2016 Enhanced natural healing congress in Leuven
2016 “Corso di aggiornamento SIO” (Società Italiana di Implantologia Osteointegrata) - Update Course in Florence
2016 EAO (European Association for Osseointegration) congress in Paris
2016 Osteology in Monaco
2016 Annual conference of SIdP in Torino
2016 Friends of Brugg in Milan, April
2015 Europerio 8 in London,
2015 Quintessence Congress in Zagreb
2015 Croatian Periodontology Days in Zagreb
2015 Perio-implant 4th congress in Opatija
2014 Quintessence congress in Zagreb
2014 Perio-implant 3, congress in Opatija
2013 Croatian Periodontology Days in Zagreb
2012 Perio-implant 2, congress in Opatija
2012 Dennis Tarnow alumni & friends symposium in Venice
Since 2006 Continuing education as provided by Croatian Chamber of Dental Medicine:
Attends courses and is engaged in other forms of professional improvement in the field of periodontology, in Croatia and abroad.
Speaker on "Periodontological Days" Expert Convention in 2015, with the subject of “Free Gingival Transplant Healing in Patients with Long-Term Controlled Type I Diabetes".

Professional experience:
Since 2018 Dental Esthetic Center, Zagreb, Croatia
Professional associate in the field of periodontology.
Since 2018 Dental Polyclinic Zagreb - Department of Gerontostomatology (Geriatric Dentristry), Zagreb, Croatia
Gerontostomatologist (Geriatric Dentist)
Since 2013 Dental practice, Dr. Nino Dežulović, Zagreb, Croatia
Periodontics, implantology, dental prosthetics and general dentistry.
2012 - 2013 Medical Center Zagreb - West, Zagreb, Croatia
General Dentistry, Emergency Dental Service
2008 - 2011 Private dental practice Peco, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Zadar, Croatia
General dentistry
2007 - 2008 Dental Polyclinic Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia)
General dentistry

A member of several Croatian and international professional associations and working groups::
-HKDM (Hrvatska komora dentalne medicine - Croatian Chamber of Dental Medicine)
-American Academy of Periodontology
-European Federation of Periodontology
-European Association for Osseointegration
-ITI, Italian Society of Periodontists
-American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry